Processes taking input from an output cell
If a process takes input from an output cell, the Cell Size Limit tab includes the options described below. Use these options to limit the number of IDs that the process will output.
Cell Size Limit tab
Use the following controls to affect the output cell size:
Unlimited cell size returns all IDs that satisfy the query or selection criteria. This option is the default.
Limit output cell size to returns no more than the specified number of unique IDs, selected randomly from all IDs that meet the query criteria. In the text box, enter the maximum number of IDs that you want returned. Campaign matches the deduplicated records that are returned from the database to those of the input cells, then does a random selection to arrive at the final cell size. The ID list in cells that are passed from process to process is always unique.
Use the Random option only when it is important for exactly N records to be returned. This option uses a large amount of temporary space and takes the most time because all IDs must be retrieved to the Campaign server.