Process overview
Campaign processes are the building blocks of flowcharts. The processes are visible on the flowchart process palette at the left of the workspace.
To create a flowchart, you move process boxes from the palette to the flowchart workspace. In the workspace, you configure and connect process boxes to build your flowchart. Typically, each process in a flowchart takes one or more cells as input, transforms the data, and produces one or more cells as output. A cell is a list of identifiers of marketing message recipients, such as customer or prospect IDs.
By configuring each process, then connecting it to a subsequent process, you can achieve the results that you want.
For example, you can use the Select process to select customers and prospects from a database or flat file. The output of a Select process is a cell, which you can use as input into a subsequent process. Therefore, in your flowchart you can connect the Select process to a Merge process to remove opt-outs from the list of IDs. Then, you can Segment the merged list and use the Call List process to assign offers and generate a list of contacts.