How queries are evaluated in Campaign processes
Queries in Campaign processes are evaluated left to right using mathematical rules.
For example, the following statement:
[UserVar.1] < PDF < [UserVar.2]
is evaluated as:
([UserVar.1] < PDF) < [UserVar.2]
That is, the first part of the statement ([UserVar.1] < PDF) is evaluated as true or false (1 or 0), and the result is passed to the second statement:
[1 | 0 ] < [UserVar.2]
For the example to be evaluated as PDF greater than [UserVar.1] and less than [UserVar.2], you would need to construct the following query:
[UserVar.1] < PDF AND PDF < [UserVar.2]
This statement is equivalent to the following:
([UserVar.1] < PDF) AND (PDF < [UserVar.2])