Session flowcharts
Sessions provide a way to create persistent, global "data artifacts" for use in all campaigns. Each session contains one or more flowcharts. Running a session flowchart makes the outcome of the session (the data artifacts) available globally to all campaigns.
Session flowcharts are not intended to be used in marketing campaigns. They do not have associated offers or start and end dates.
To work with sessions, use the Sessions menu. Advanced users can create session flowcharts to perform computations outside of a campaign and to perform ETL tasks that are not associated with any specific marketing initiative or program.
Often, a session flowchart starts with a Schedule process, to ensure that the data is refreshed on a regular basis.
When you run a session flowchart, the data artifacts that are created are then available for use in any number of campaign flowcharts.
Some typical examples follow:
Use the Create Seg process in a session flowchart to create strategic segments, which are segments that can be used in multiple campaigns.
For example, start with a Schedule process, then a Select process, then a CreateSeg process to generate strategic segments for opt-ins, opt-outs, or global suppressions. The Schedule process periodically updates the segment, which is written out as a static member list. The resulting segment is then available for selection in campaign flowcharts.
Sessions overview
Creating sessions
Adding flowcharts to sessions
Editing session flowcharts
Organizing sessions in folders
Moving sessions
Viewing sessions
Editing sessions
Deleting sessions
About strategic segments
About global suppressions and global suppression segments
About dimension hierarchies
About cubes