Model types
IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition supports four model types. However, Predictive models are the only type of model that you can create when you use the SPSS Model process in an IBM® Campaign flowchart. Although IBM® Campaign restricts which types of models can be created in the SPSS Model process box, any of the four model types can be used for scoring in the SPSS Score process box.
The following table describes the four model types.
IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition model types
Default model type that you create from an SPSS Model process box. The Target field must contain the text or numeric values for the model to predict.
Cannot be created or used in an SPSS Model process box but can be used in an SPSS Score process box. To build a Predictive Rule model, you must create and build the modeling stream from the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition user interface.
To build a Clustering model, you must start IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition from the SPSS Model process box. Then, change the model type to Clustering and save the modeling stream. The specified Target field from the SPSS Model process box is used as the Evaluation field. The Evaluation field and other clustering options are described in the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Guide.
To build an Association model, you must start IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition from the SPSS Model process box. Then, change the model type to Association and save the modeling stream. The Target field from the SPSS Model process box must specify the field that contains the content. The Content field and other association options are described in the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Guide.
Predictive Rule models
The Predictive Rule model type is not supported in the SPSS Model process box in an IBM® Campaign flowchart. If you open IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition from an IBM® Campaign SPSS Model process box, you cannot create Predictive Rule models or change from another model type to a Predictive Rule model.
If you change the model type of the modeling stream to Predictive Rule, the SPSS Model process box displays an error and will not configure. However, you can manually run Predictive Rule models through the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition interface and build them interactively.
Predictive rule models can be selected for scoring in SPSS Score process boxes.