Editing or moving triggers
You can change the name and descriptive note for a trigger or move it to another folder. If you change a trigger name, any processes referring to that trigger will become unconfigured and will be unable to run. You must edit each process to refer to the new trigger name.
You must have permissions to edit or move triggers.
When editing a flowchart, open the Options menu Two radio buttons with menu arrow icon and select Stored Triggers.
The Stored Trigger Definitions window opens, displaying all triggers defined in the current IBM® Campaign partition.
Click Edit/Move.
The data fields for the trigger appear on the right of the window.
Optionally, in the Command field, modify the path relative to the current partition root and file-name of the executable file on the Campaign server. You can click Browse to select an executable file from within the current partition.
If you are creating an outbound trigger, to make it synchronous, terminate the command with a question mark (?).
To make the trigger asynchronous, do not terminate the command with a special character, or use an ampersand (&).
Click Save and Close.
If you renamed a trigger, edit each process to refer to the new trigger name.