Web Search
What does Campaign do?
Who uses Campaign?
Integration with other IBM® products
About integration with IBM® Marketing Operations
About legacy campaigns
Campaign concepts
Getting started with Campaign
Your username and password
To log in to IBM® EMM
Your role and permissions
Security levels in Campaign
Setting your start page
About campaigns
Preparing the data for campaigns
Using IBM® Digital Analytics segments in Campaign
Designing campaigns
Example: Multi-channel retention campaign
About accessing campaigns
Working with campaigns
To create a campaign
Associating strategic segments with a campaign
To associate a segment with a campaign
Associating offers with a campaign
To associate an offer "top down" from the Campaign Summary tab
To view a campaign
To navigate from a linked legacy campaign to a Marketing Operations project
To edit a campaign's Summary details
About running campaigns
To print a campaign
To move a campaign
About deleting campaigns
To delete a campaign
Analyzing campaign results
Organizing campaigns
To add a campaign folder
To edit a campaign folder's name and description
To move a campaign folder
To delete a campaign folder
Campaigns reference
All Campaigns page icons
Campaign Summary tab icons
Campaign Summary tab reference
About flowcharts
Flowchart workspace overview
Flowchart design considerations
Creating flowcharts
To create a flowchart
Copying flowcharts
To copy a flowchart
Viewing flowcharts
To view a flowchart
Reviewing flowcharts
To review the processes in a flowchart
Editing flowcharts
To open a flowchart for editing
To edit a flowchart's properties
Validating flowcharts
To validate a flowchart
Testing flowcharts
To test run a flowchart
To test run a flowchart branch
Running flowcharts
To run a flowchart
To run a flowchart branch
To run or test run a process
About run history options
Run history options scenario
Run History Options window reference
To pause a flowchart run
To continue a paused flowchart run
To stop a flowchart run
To continue a stopped flowchart run
Troubleshooting runtime errors
Deleting flowcharts
To delete a flowchart
To print a flowchart
Improving flowchart performance using in-database optimization
To improve flowchart performance using in-database optimization
Packaging flowchart files for troubleshooting
Packaging flowchart files for troubleshooting
Transmitting the flowchart data package to IBM® Technical Support
Options for packaging flowchart data
Introduction to Campaign processes
About processes
Types of processes
Data manipulation processes
Run processes
Optimization processes
Working with process boxes
To add a process to a flowchart
Determining the status of a process
To connect two processes
Example: Process Connections
To copy and paste a process
To cut a process
To paste processes from the template library
To move a process
To delete a process
To delete a connection between two processes
Changing flowchart appearance
To run or test run a process
About run history options
Run history options scenario
Run History Options window reference
Choosing data sources for processes
To select an incoming cell, segment, or table as the input to a process
To select multiple tables as the input to a process
To map a new table for selecting as a source
Profiling fields
Profiling a field
Restricting input for profiling
Disallowing profiling
Setting profiling options
To access the Profiling Options window
Specifying the maximum number of profile segments
To set the maximum number of segments for profiling
Profiling by meta type
Refreshing a profile count
To insert a profile category into a query
To print the results of a profile
To export profile data
Creating queries in processes
To create a query with Point & Click
To create a query with Text Builder
To create a query with Formula Helper
Creating queries using SQL
To create a raw SQL query
Using the TempTable and OutputTempTable tokens in raw SQL queries
Example: Using the TempTable and OutputTempTable tokens
Referencing Extract tables in raw SQL queries
Specifying pre- or post-processing SQL statements
To specify pre- or post-processing SQL statements
How queries are evaluated in Campaign processes
Specifying an output file or table for contact logging
To specify an output file for contact logging
To specify a database table for contact logging
Changing the seed for random selection
To change the random seed for selecting records
Skipping duplicate IDs in process output
Configuring Campaign processes
List of processes
To configure a Select process
To use IBM® Digital Analytics segments in a Select process
To configure a Merge process
Segmenting by field
Segmenting by query
Using segments as input to another Segment process
Segmenting considerations
Choosing a segmenting method
Making segments mutually exclusive
Restricting segment size
Selecting source cells
To configure a Segment process by field
To configure a Segment process by query
Segment Process Configuration: Segment tab
Segment Process Configuration: Extract tab
Segment Process Configuration: General tab
New Segment and Edit Segment dialogs
To configure a Sample process
About the sample size calculator
To use the sample size calculator
Audience levels
Switching levels
Configuring the audience process
To configure an Audience process
Example: Audience process
Example: Filtering records
Using the same input and output audience levels
To select one <Input/Output Audience> entry per <Different Audience>
To select some <Audience> records per <Different Audience>
To select entries for each entry at that audience level
Using different input and output audience levels
To select all <Output Audience Level> entries
To select some <Different Output Audience Level> entries
To select one <Output Audience> per <Different Input Audience>
Example: Extracting transaction data
Prerequisites for extracting data from eMessage landing pages
Configuring an Extract process
To extract data from a cell, single table, or strategic segment
To extract data from an eMessage landing page
Extract tab reference
To configure a Snapshot process
Difference between the IBM® Campaign Schedule process and IBM® EMM Scheduler
To configure a Schedule process
Scheduling based on triggers
To configure a Schedule process to run on a trigger
Running on triggers
Example: Run on Trigger
Sending triggers after each run
Using triggers with other scheduling options
To configure a Cube process
Create Seg
To configure a Create Seg process
Mail List
To configure a contact process (Mail List or Call List)
Call List
To configure a Track process
To configure a Response process
To configure a Model process
To configure a Score process
About offers
Offer attributes
Offer versions
Offer templates
About offer lists
Static offer lists
Smart offer lists
Security and offer lists
Control groups
Association of control cells to target cells
Working with offers
Creating new offers
To add a new offer
Relevant products for offers
To import a list of relevant products to an offer by pasting
To edit the relevant products query for an offer
To clear the relevant products query for an offer
To remove selected products from the relevant products query
Duplicating offers
To duplicate an offer from the Offers page
To duplicate an offer from the offer's Summary page
Grouping offers
Using attributes
Grouping offers in folders
To edit an offer
To move an offer or offer list
Adding offers to offer lists
Deleting offers
To delete an offer or offer list
Retiring offers
To retire an offer or offer list
To assign offers to cells in a flowchart
To assign offers to cells in the target cell spreadsheet
Searching for offers
To use Advanced Search to search for offers
All Offers page icons
To view offer reports from a Summary page
Working with offer lists
To add a static offer list
To add a smart offer list
To edit an offer list
Moving offer lists
Deleting offer lists
Retiring offer lists
Assigning offer lists to cells
Managing offers when Marketing Operations is integrated with Campaign
Introduction to using Marketing Operations assets in Campaign offers
How to use a Marketing Operations asset in a Campaign offer
About cells
Cell names and codes
Examples: cell renaming scenarios
Working with cells
To create a cell in a flowchart process
Limiting the size of output cells
Processes taking input from an output cell
Limiting the output cell size based on the input cell size
To limit output cell size based on size of input cells
Processes taking input from a table
Applying test run output cell size limitations
Changing the cell name
To change the name of a cell in a flowchart process
Resetting the cell name
To reset the cell name
About copying and pasting cell names and codes
To copy and paste all cells in the grid
To paste cell names and codes from an external spreadsheet
Changing the cell code
To change the code for a cell in a flowchart process
To match and link flowchart cells using the Match and Link Target Cells dialog
To unmatch or unlink flowchart cells using the Match and Link Target Cells dialog
To manually match and link flowchart cells using the Match and Link Target Cells dialog
To link flowchart cells to target cells using the process configuration dialog
To unlink flowchart cells from target cells using the process configuration dialog
To assign offers to cells in a flowchart
Assigning offer lists to cells
To set parameter values in offers assigned to cells
About the target cell spreadsheet
Cell status information in the target cell spreadsheet
Updating the cell counts
To refresh the cell counts manually
Working with the target cell spreadsheet
To add one row to the target cell spreadsheet
To add multiple empty rows to the target cell spreadsheet
To duplicate rows in the target cell spreadsheet
To search in the target cell spreadsheet
To specify whether the current cell is a control cell
To specify a control cell for the current cell
To generate and use cell codes in the target cell spreadsheet
To edit the target cell spreadsheet
To paste data from an external source into the target cell spreadsheet
To import data from a .csv file into the target cell spreadsheet
Required Format for CSV File to Import to the Target Cell Spreadsheet
To export data from the target cell spreadsheet
To assign offers to cells in the target cell spreadsheet
To unassign offers from cells in the target cell spreadsheet
To view assigned offers or offer lists
Target Cells tab icons
About contact history
Contact history and audience levels
Detailed contact history
Writing entries to contact history tables
Treatment history (UA_Treatment)
Base contact history (UA_ContactHistory)
Writing additionally tracked fields to contact history
Updates to contact history
Detailed contact history (UA_DtlContactHist)
Offer history
Disabling writing to contact history
Performing a test run
To disable logging options
Clearing contact and response history
To clear contact history and response history
About response tracking
Performing response tracking
Using multiple response tracking flowcharts
Response tracking using multi-part offer codes
Date scope for response tracking
Response tracking for controls
Response tracking for personalized offers
Response types
Response categories
Direct responses
Direct exact matches
Direct inexact matches
Inferred responses
Inferred responses from control groups
Attribution methods
Best match
Fractional match
Multiple match
About stored objects
About derived fields
Creating derived fields
Naming restrictions for derived fields
To create a derived field
To create a new derived field from an existing one
To use a custom macro to create a derived field
Storing derived fields
To store a derived field
To use a stored derived field
To make a derived field persistent
Example: Persistent derived field
About user variables
To create a user variable
About custom macros
To create a custom macro
Guidelines for using custom macros
To manage a custom macro
About templates
To copy a template to the Template Library
To paste a template from the Template Library
To manage a template
About stored table catalogs
To access stored table catalogs
To edit a table catalog
To remove a table catalog
About sessions
Working with sessions
To create a session
To view a session
To edit a session's Summary details
To edit a session flowchart
To edit a session flowchart's properties
About copying sessions
About running sessions
To move a session
About deleting sessions
To delete a session
About organizing sessions
To add a session folder
To edit a session folder's name and description
To move a session folder
To delete a session folder
All Sessions page icons
About strategic segments
Improving performance of strategic segments
Prerequisites for creating strategic segments
To create a strategic segment
Example: Session flowchart creating strategic segments
To view a segment from the All Segments page
To view a strategic segment from the Campaign summary page
To edit a segment's Summary details
To edit a strategic segment's source flowchart
All Segments page icons
Running strategic segments
Organizing strategic segments
To add a segment folder
To edit a segment folder's name and description
To move a segment folder
To delete a segment folder
To move a segment
Deleting strategic segments
To delete a segment
About global suppressions and global suppression segments
Applying global suppressions
Disabling global suppressions
To disable global suppressions for a flowchart
About dimension hierarchies
Examples: Dimension hierarchies
Creating dimension hierarchies
To map a hierarchical dimension to a Campaign dimension
To update a dimension hierarchy
To load a stored dimension hierarchy
About cubes
About reporting in IBM® Campaign
Report types
Campaign list portlets
Campaign IBM® Cognos® report portlets
Working with reports
Accessing and viewing reports
To view reports from the Campaign Analytics page
To view reports from a campaign's Analysis tab
To view cell reports from a flowchart
Report controls
The Reports toolbar
To send a report by email
Viewing reports in various formats
Viewing a report in HTML format
Viewing a report in PDF format
Viewing a report in Excel format
Viewing a report in CSV (comma-separated value) format
Viewing a report in XML format
Re-running reports
List of Campaign reports
Flowchart cell reports
To print and export cell reports
Cell List report
To generate a Cell List report
Cell Variable Profile report
To generate a Cell Variable Profile report
Cell Variable Crosstab report
To generate a Cell Variable Crosstab report
Cell Content report
To generate a Cell Content report
Cell Waterfall report
To generate a Cell Waterfall report
Segment Crosstab reports
Segment Crosstab Analysis
Segment Profile Analysis
Calendar of Campaigns
Campaign and offer listings reports
Campaign Summary
Offer Campaign Listings
Performance reports
"What If" Offer Financial Summary
Campaign Detailed Offer Response Breakout
Campaign Financial Summary by Offer (Actual)
Campaign Offer Performance by Month
Campaign Performance Comparison
Campaign Performance Comparison (with Revenue)
Campaign Performance Comparison by Initiative
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell (with Revenue)
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Initiative
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Offer
Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Offer (with Revenue)
Campaign Performance Summary by Offer
Campaign Performance Summary by Offer (with Revenue)
Offer Performance by Day
Offer Performance Comparison
Offer Performance Metrics
Offer Performance Summary by Campaign
About special characters
Special characters not supported
Objects with no naming restrictions
Objects with specific naming restrictions
Search Results: Campaigns
Search Results: Sessions
Search Results: Offers
Search Results: Segments
Campaign Summary tab reference
Building Campaign flowcharts
Offer Summary tab
Offer List Summary tab
Session Summary tab
Segment Summary tab
Audience process
Call List process
Create Seg process
Cube process
Extract process
Mail List process
Merge process
Model process
Response process
Sample process
Schedule process
Score process
Segment process
Select process
Snapshot process
Track process
Decision process
Interaction process
PopulateSeg process
Sample process
Select process
Snapshot process
Interact List process box
Optimize Process
eMessage process
About reporting in Unica Campaign
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations
Interactive flowcharts and data sources
Queries and Interact
About data types and stored objects
Derived fields, user variables, macros, and Interact
Custom macros and interactive flowcharts
About the Decision process
About the Interaction process
About the PopulateSeg process
About the Sample process in interactive flowcharts
About the Select process in interactive flowcharts
About the Snapshot process in interactive flowcharts
About the Interact List process in batch flowcharts
To configure the Interact List process
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations
Create a flowchart with an Optimize process
Configure the Optimize process
The Optimize process Assignment tab
The Optimize process Parameters tab
The Optimize process Optimize tab
The Optimize process Score tab
The General tab
To select the cells for input
To assign a contact date to all contacts
To assign offers or offer lists to a cell
To select the cells for which you want to specify parameterized offer attribute values
To assign values to parameterized offer attributes
To specify a Contact Optimization session
To map additional table fields required by the PCT
To assign score fields in the Optimize process
To enter a process name and description
Optimize process Assignment tab reference
Optimize process Parameters tab reference
Optimize process Optimize tab reference
Optimize process Score tab reference
General tab reference
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations
Recipient list planning
Understanding how to create a recipient list
Recipient selection
Defining the OLT for a recipient list
Recipient list creation
About deleting recipient lists
Selecting recipients for personalized messages
Selecting test recipients
To specify a seed list
To define the output list table
To configure an eMessage process
Contents of the eMessage process Source tab
Contents of the eMessage process Output tab
Working with mailings in IBM® eMessage
Recipient lists for personalized messaging
Selecting personalization fields
About referencing a list of email recipients
Personalized email messaging
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Contacting IBM® technical support
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations