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IBM® Campaign Administration
Campaign-related administrative tasks in IBM® EMM
About security in IBM® Campaign
About security policies
The global security policy
How Campaign evaluates permissions
Using the Owner and Folder Owner roles
Guidelines for designing security policies
Security scenarios
Scenario 1: Company with a single division
Scenario 2: Company with multiple separate divisions
Scenario 3: Restricted access within a division
Implementing security policies
To create a security policy
To delete a security policy
Assigning security policies to folders or objects
About administrative permissions in Campaign
Configuring report folder permissions
Reference: Administrative permissions in Campaign
Audience levels
Data sources
Dimension hierarchies
Reports (folder permissions)
System tables
User tables
User variables
Windows™ impersonation administration
What is Windows™ impersonation?
Why use Windows™ impersonation?
What is the relationship between Campaign users and Windows™ users?
The Windows™ impersonation group
Windows™ impersonation and logging into IBM® EMM
Working with Windows™ impersonation
Set the Windows™ impersonation property
Create Campaign users
Create the Windows™ impersonation group
Assign the Windows™ impersonation group to policies
Assign rights to the Windows™ impersonation group
About table administration
Table administration concepts
What are system tables?
What are user tables?
What is a base record table?
What is a dimension table?
What is a general table?
About mapping tables
What is a data dictionary?
What is a table catalog?
Initial table administration tasks
Prerequisites: expected state following installation
To test system table access
To test user table access
Mapping Customer audience level system tables
About mapping segment membership tables
Working with system tables
To map or re-map a system table
To unmap a system table
To unmap the segment membership table
To view system table contents
Working with user tables
About working with user tables
Guidelines for mapping user tables
To access data sources from within a flowchart
Working with user tables while editing a flowchart
Working with user tables by using the Admin menu
Working with user tables from the Select process
Working with user tables from exported data
Working with user tables from the Campaign Settings page
To map a base record table to an existing database table
Mapping a base record table to an existing file
To map a base record table to a file
To map a base record table to an existing fixed-width flat file
To map a base record table to an existing delimited file
To map a dimension table
To map a general table to a database table
To map a general table to a file
Re-mapping user tables
To re-map a user table
Profiling values and counts
To configure profiling
To unmap a user table
To create a new user table through an output process
Working with data dictionaries
To open a data dictionary
To apply changes to a data dictionary
When to use a data dictionary
Data dictionary syntax
To manually create a new data dictionary
Working with table catalogs
To access table catalogs
To open a table catalog
To create a table catalog
To load a stored table catalog
Deleting table catalogs
To update pre-computed profiles for tables in a table catalog
To define a data folder for a table catalog
About campaign customization
Custom campaign attributes
Custom cell attributes
Custom offer attributes
What is a static attribute?
What is a hidden static attribute?
What is a parameterized attribute?
Working with custom attributes
To create a custom attribute
To modify a custom attribute
Custom initiatives
To add an initiative
Custom products
To add a product
Offer template concepts
What is an offer?
What is an offer template?
Offer templates and security
Why use offer templates?
Planning offer templates and offers
Working with offer attributes
Using custom attributes in offer templates
To create a custom attribute
To modify a custom attribute
Standard offer attributes in Campaign
Working with offer templates
Using drop-down lists in offer templates
To create an offer template
To modify an offer template
To reorder offer templates
To retire an offer template
Adding list values to the Channel attribute
Template icons
Default offer attributes
Introduction to using Marketing Operations assets in Campaign offers
Guidelines for using Marketing Operations assets in Campaign offers
Setting up Marketing Operations assets for use in Campaign offers
About audience level administration
About audience levels
Why different audience levels are needed in Campaign
The default Customer audience level
Creating additional audience levels
About audience levels and system tables
Default Customer audience level system tables
About audience levels and strategic segments
Audience level unique identifiers
Required fields in audience-level-specific tables
Required fields in the contact history table
Required fields in the detailed contact history table
Required fields in the response history table
Required fields in the segment membership table
About audience levels and user tables
User tables with a single audience level
User tables with multiple audience levels
Working with audience levels
Workflow for setting up a new audience level
Task 1: Create the required database tables for each new audience level
Task 2: Create the new audience levels in Campaign
Task 3: Map the IBM® Campaign system tables to the database tables
Task 4: Map the user tables containing relevant data to the appropriate audience level(s)
Task 5: Save the mapped tables in a table catalog
Removing an audience level
To remove an audience level
About global suppressions and global suppression segments
Switching audiences with global suppressions
About creating global suppression segments
To create the global suppression segment in a flowchart
To specify the segment as a global suppression segment
Updating global suppression segments
Deleting global suppression segments
Logging for global suppressions
Before you begin working with contact history
Contact history concepts
What is contact history?
What is detailed contact history?
What is contact status?
About updating contact status
How does contact history relate to audience levels?
How does contact history relate to database and system tables?
What is offer history?
What is treatment history?
Working with contact history
Creating contact history tables for new audience levels
Mapping contact history tables to system tables
To add a contact status code
Logging history
Updating contact history
Clearing contact history
Default contact status codes
Before you begin working with response history
Response history concepts
What is response history?
What is the response type?
How does response history relate to audience levels?
How does response history relate to database tables?
Foreign key constraints in response history tables
What is an action table?
What does an action table contain?
Why use an action table?
Working with response history
Creating response history tables for new audience levels
Mapping response history tables to IBM® Campaign system tables
To set the number of days after an offer expires to record responses
Adding a response type
Logging response history
Response history references
Default response types
Sample UA_ActionCustomer Table
About operational monitoring
To configure operational monitoring
To access the All Monitored Runs page
Viewing the All Monitored Runs page
To sort the list of flowcharts on the All Monitored Runs page
To view associated campaigns or flowcharts
To refresh the All Monitored Runs page display
Working with flowcharts through the All Monitored Runs page
To stop a running flowchart
To suspend a running flowchart
To resume a suspended flowchart
Operational monitoring references
Flowchart states and actions
Properties related to operational monitoring
All Monitored Runs page icons
Dimension hierarchy concepts
What is a dimension hierarchy?
Why use dimension hierarchies?
About dimension hierarchies and cubes
About dimension hierarchies and database tables
Working with dimension hierarchies
About working with dimension hierarchies
Designing dimension hierarchies
Accessing dimension hierarchies in Campaign
To create a dimension hierarchy
To load a stored dimension hierarchy
To edit a dimension hierarchy
To update a dimension hierarchy
To remove a dimension hierarchy
About triggers in IBM® Campaign
What is an inbound trigger?
Why use an inbound trigger?
Inbound triggers and the Schedule process
What is broadcasting?
What is an outbound trigger?
Synchronous outbound triggers
Asynchronous outbound triggers
Why use an outbound trigger?
Return values for outbound triggers
How are triggers defined?
Working with trigger folders and triggers
To create folders to organize triggers
To move a trigger folder
To edit a trigger folder
To delete a trigger folder
To create a trigger
To edit or move a trigger
To delete a trigger
Setting up outbound triggers
Setting up a process to execute an outbound trigger
To set up a flowchart to execute an outbound trigger on success
To set up a flowchart to execute an outbound trigger on failure
Setting up inbound triggers
To set up inbound triggers
Configuring the Schedule process to run with an inbound trigger
To broadcast a trigger to all flowcharts of a campaign
To broadcast a trigger to a flowchart
To broadcast a trigger to all campaigns
Setting up the trigger utility on a remote Windows™ machine
unica_actrg utility: required files
Reference information for trigger administration
Tokens supported by triggers
Campaign trigger utility syntax
Campaign trigger utility options
About logging
The Campaign Listener log
The Campaign web application log
The Campaign Server Manager log
The Campaign session utility log
The cleanup utility log
Flowchart logs
The sessions log
The web connections log
Windows™ event logs
The log4j log file
Working with logs
Campaign Listener logging tasks
To configure Campaign Listener logging
To view the Campaign Listener log file
Campaign web application logging tasks
To configure Campaign web application logging
To change the file name and location of the Campaign web application log
Flowchart logging tasks
To configure flowchart logging
To enable or disable flowchart logging
To modify flowchart logging levels
To customize the flowchart log file location
To view flowchart log files
To clear a flowchart log file
Windows™ event logging tasks
To configure Windows™ event logging for the Campaign listener
To configure Windows™ event logging for flowcharts
log4j logging tasks
To configure logging in log4j
To change the location of the campaign_log4j.properties file
About codes in Campaign
About campaign codes
About offer codes
About cell codes
About treatment codes
Code formats
Default code formats
Code format requirements
About changing the default code formats
To change the campaign code format
To change the cell code format
To change the offer or treatment code format in an existing offer template
About code configuration properties
About code generators
Default code generators in Campaign
About custom code generators
Requirements for custom code generators
About configuring Campaign to use custom code generators
To specify the campaign code generator
To specify the cell code generator
To specify the offer code generator
To specify the treatment code generator
About creating custom code generators
About outputting unique codes
About outputting errors
About placing the custom code generators
To specify the location of the custom offer code generator
Code generation references
Properties related to code generation
Parameters for the default campaign and cell code generators
Parameters for the default offer code generator
Parameters for custom code generators
About advanced settings
To access Advanced settings
About the General settings
Save flowchart run results
Use in-DB optimization during flowchart run
Disable global suppression for this flowchart
Y2K threshold
Maximum data errors allowed
Send trigger on flowchart run errors
Send trigger on flowchart success
About the Server Optimization settings
Campaign Virtual Memory Usage
Disallow use of temporary tables for this flowchart
About the Test Run Settings
IBM® Campaign utilities
Campaign Listener (unica_aclsnr)
Campaign listener requirements
Campaign listener syntax
Campaign listener options
Starting and stopping the listener
To start the Campaign listener on a Windows™ system
To stop the Campaign listener on a Windows™ system
To install the Campaign server as a Windows™ service
To start the listener on UNIX™ systems
To stop the listener on UNIX™ systems
Campaign listener log
Campaign Listener Shutdown utility (svrstop)
Campaign srvstop utility reference
To use the svrstop utility to shut down the Campaign listener
To use the svrstop utility to shut down the Contact Optimization listener
Campaign Server Manager (unica_svradm)
To run the Campaign Server Manager
Campaign Server Manager commands
Cap (Distributed Marketing)
Uncap (Distributed Marketing)
To kill a running flowchart
Campaign session utility (unica_acsesutil)
Environment variables required for unica_acsesutil
Campaign session utility use cases
Exporting and importing objects between servers
About the exporting and importing process
About conflicts with existing data when importing
To export a campaign, session, or flowchart
To import a campaign, session, or flowchart
Backing up sessions
Updating record counts and lists of distinct values
Manipulating table catalogs
Documenting catalog contents
Campaign session utility return values
Campaign session utility syntax
Campaign session utility options
Campaign cleanup utility (unica_acclean)
Environment variables required for unica_acclean
Campaign cleanup utility use cases
Generating a list of orphaned files and tables
To output a list of orphaned files and tables
Deleting the files and tables listed in a file
To delete the files and tables listed in a file
Deleting all orphaned temp files and tables
To delete all orphaned temp files and tables from your system
About orphaned files and tables
Generating a list of files and tables selectively by object type and criteria
To generate a list of files and tables selectively by object type and criteria
Deleting files and tables selectively by object type and criteria
To delete files and tables selectively by object type and criteria
Campaign cleanup utility syntax
Campaign cleanup utility options
Campaign report generation utility (unica_acgenrpt)
Use case: capture cell counts from flowchart runs
IBM® Campaign report generation utility syntax
IBM® Campaign report generation utility options
Parameters used with the unica_acgenrpt -p option
Database testing utilities
cxntest utility
To use the cxntest utility
odbctest utility
To use the odbctest utility
db2test utility
To use the db2test utility
oratest utility
To use the oratest utility
Database load utilities
Fast loader repeated tokens
IBM Digital Analytics and Campaign integration
Integrating IBM Digital Analytics and Campaign
About the translation table
Mapping the translation table
About using non-ASCII data or non-US locales
About character encodings
About interactions with non-ASCII databases
The format of date and time fields
The encoding of text in character-based fields
About the multi-locale feature
Areas not affected by user locale preferences
Limitations of the multi-locale feature
Configuring Campaign for a non-ASCII language or a non-US locale
Set the operating system language and regional settings
About setting the language and locale on UNIX™
About setting the language and locale on Windows™
Set encoding parameters for the web application server (WebSphere® only)
Set Campaign language and locale property values
Un-map and re-map system tables
Test your database and server configurations
Test the database configuration
Test that your attribute table is correctly configured
Test campaigns and flowcharts that have ASCII and non-ASCII characters
Test flowchart input and output that contains ASCII and non-ASCII characters
Test that the correct language directory is used
Test the date formats in calendar reports
Test that the currency symbol displays correctly for your locale
Configuring Campaign for multiple locales
Before you begin: Campaign must be installed
Configuring for multiple locales on SQL Server
Configuring for multiple locales on Oracle
Configure encoding properties (Oracle)
Configure date/time settings (Oracle)
Configure environment variables (Oracle)
Configure the cmpServer.bat file (Oracle)
Configuring for multiple locales on DB2®
Configure encoding properties (DB2®)
Configure date/time settings (DB2®)
Configure environment variables (DB2®)
Configure application server startup scripts (DB2®)
IBM® EMM configuration properties
Marketing Platform configuration properties
General | Navigation
General | Data filtering
General | Password settings
General | Miscellaneous
Platform | Scheduler
Platform | Scheduler | Recurrence definitions
Platform | Scheduler | Schedule registrations | Campaign | [Object type]
Platform | Scheduler | Schedule registrations | Campaign | [Object type] | [Throttling group]
Platform | Security
Platform | Security | Login method details | Windows™ integrated login
Platform | Security | Login method details | LDAP
Platform | Security | Login method details | Web access control
Platform | Security | LDAP synchronization
Platform | Security | LDAP synchronization | LDAP reference to IBM® Marketing Platform group map
Reporting configuration properties
Reports | Integrations | Cognos® [version]
Reports | Schemas | [product] | [schema name] | SQL Configuration
Reports | Schemas | Campaign
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Offer Performance
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | [schema name] | Columns | [Contact Metric]
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | [schema name] | Columns | [Response Metric]
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Performance
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Offer Response Breakout
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Offer Response Breakout | Columns | [Response Type]
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout | Columns | [Contact Status]
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Custom Attributes | Columns | [Campaign Custom Column]
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Custom Attributes | Columns | [Offer Custom Column]
Reports | Schemas | Campaign | Campaign Custom Attributes | Columns | [Cell Custom Column]
Reports | Schemas | Interact
Reports | Schemas | Interact | Interact Performance
Reports | Schemas | eMessage
Campaign configuration properties
Campaign | collaborate
Campaign | navigation
Campaign | caching
Campaign | partitions
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | eMessage
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | reports
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | validation
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | audienceLevels | audienceLevel
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | audienceLevels | audienceLevel | field[n]
Campaign | Partitions | partition[n] | dataSources
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | systemTableMapping
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | systemCodes
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | encoding
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | timeout
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | collaborate
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | permissions
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | flowchartConfig
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | flowchartSave
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | dataProcessing
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | optimization
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | logging
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | flowchartRun
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | profile
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | internal
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | fileDialog
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | offerCodeGenerator
Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Coremetrics®
Campaign | monitoring
Campaign | ProductReindex
Campaign | unicaACListener
Campaign | unicaACOOptAdmin
Campaign | server
Campaign | logging
About special characters
Special characters not supported
Objects with no naming restrictions
Objects with specific naming restrictions
Naming restrictions for derived fields
Supported data types for user tables
Introduction to character encodings
Character encodings in Campaign
Western Europe
Unicode encodings
Baltic Rim
Central Europe
Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional)
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Date and time formats
Formats for DateFormat and DateTimeFormat
Formats for DateOutputFormatString and DateTimeOutputFormatString
About Campaign Error Codes
Campaign error codes
Campaign Settings
Offer Template Definitions
Monitoring page
Custom Attribute Definitions
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations
This edition applies to version 9, release 0, modification 0 of IBM® Campaign and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Contacting IBM® technical support
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations