What does Campaign do?
Campaign is a Web-based Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) solution that consists of a back-end server, a web server, an ActiveX client, and Plataforma de Marketing security. Campaign enables users to design, execute, and analyze direct marketing campaigns.
Campaign provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface that supports the direct marketing processes of selecting, suppressing, segmenting, sampling, and creating output lists of customer IDs. Campaign’s Universal Dynamic Interconnect (UDI) data communication layer allows you to seamlessly access and manipulate data from all of your data sources, including relational databases (regardless of database type) or flat files.
Campaign processes populate contact history and response history, and support response attribution and reporting.
Although the application supports raw SQL, macros, and functions, users do not need to know SQL to design campaigns. Once mapped, database tables can easily be selected, merged, sampled, and segmented and the resulting customers can be associated with a variety of offers. Also, the results of a campaign can be recorded, responses tracked, and the return on investment (ROI) calculated. Campaigns can be scheduled to run at a particular time or triggered by a particular event, all without knowledge of SQL.
Campaign treats a marketing campaign as a discrete entity that is made up of one or more flowcharts, which are in turn comprised of one or more processes. A campaign can be associated with one or more strategic segments, offers, and reports, and can consist of multiple flowcharts.
The processes, which are the building blocks for campaign flowcharts, are the heart of Campaign, as they perform the actual data manipulation, scheduling, offer matching, list generation, and optimization; in effect, you use the processes to define and implement a campaign.
Who uses Campaign?
Integration with other IBM Unica products
Campaign concepts