To add a custom attribute

The steps for adding a custom campaign, offer, or cell attribute are the same. You specify the type of custom attribute during the creation process.

Select Settings > Campaign Settings.
The Campaign Settings page opens, presenting links for various administration tasks.
The Custom Attribute Definitions window opens. The standard offer attributes and any previously created custom attributes are displayed.
At the top of the window, click Add; or at the bottom of the window, click Add a Custom Attribute.
The Add Attributes Details window opens.
Enter an Attribute Display Name, as you want the attribute label to appear to users. There are no special restrictions on custom attribute display names.
Enter an Internal Name. You cannot have spaces in the internal name.
The Internal Name is the name you use to reference this custom attribute when writing a Unica expression (for example, a query or custom macro). It is a best practice to use the same name as the display name without any spaces (for example, “Interest Rate” would have an internal name of “InterestRate”).
From the Attribute Of drop-down list, select Campaign, Offer, or Cell.
From the Form Element Type list, select the type of data to be stored in the attribute field for offers or cells.
Maximum String Length, if you selected Select Box - String or Text Field - String. This specifies the maximum number of characters that will be stored for any value of this custom attribute.
Decimal Places, if you selected Text Field - Numeric or Text Field - Currency. This specifies the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point that are displayed.
If you selected Select Box - String as the Form Element Type:
Optionally check Allow addition of list items from within edit forms to enable any user to add new unique values to the attribute drop-down list when creating offers using the template containing the attribute.
If any user adds a new value to the custom attribute, the value is subsequently displayed for all users.
Enter possible selections for the field by entering values in the New or Selected Item field and clicking Accept . Values are presented to users in the order entered. You can delete values from the list by selecting one or more in the Source list of available values and clicking Remove.

IBM Unica Campaign
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