Flowchart states and actions

The valid flowchart states in the All Monitored Runs page, and the actions that are available for each status, are shown in the following table.

The flowchart status reflects the status of the last run.



(Status Indicator Color)


Valid Actions



The flowchart is running.



The flowchart was paused during running from the flowchart Run menu. (You cannot pause a flowchart from the Monitoring page.)

When a flowchart is paused, the process remains intact but stops processing, guaranteeing that no work is lost when the flowchart run is continued. Note that with the Pause action, system resources are not released (CPU utilization stops, but memory is not freed).

You can continue running a paused flowchart from the flowchart Run menu.

For details about pausing and continuing a flowchart run, see the Campaign User’s Guide.

None from the Monitoring page (Run>Continue from the flowchart)



The flowchart “Suspend” action has been initiated from the Monitoring page and the flowchart is transitioning to this status.




The flowchart Suspend action has completed and the flowchart is in a suspended state. The process is shut down and system resources have been released; a placeholder remains to enable restarting the flowchart run at the point at which it was suspended.

You can resume running a suspended flowchart using the Resume button on the Monitoring page.


(Light blue)

The flowchart run completed successfully, without any errors.




The flowchart run was stopped either by a user from the flowchart Run menu or due to an error (that is, one or more process boxes in the flowchart encountered an error). For details about stopping a flowchart from the flowchart Run menu, see the Campaign User’s Guide.




The run failed due an unhandled error or a server error (that is., the flowchart server process exited unexpectedly).


IBM Unica Campaign
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