What is treatment history?

Treatment history is the record of treatments generated through campaigns, including both target and control treatments. A treatment is a unique combination of a cell, an offer, and time (a specific flowchart run). If you run the same flowchart multiple times, a new treatment is generated each time.

Treatment history is stored in the UA_Treatment table in the Campaign system table database, and is used together with contact history to form a complete historical record of offers sent to IDs in cells, and the specific details of each sent offer’s attributes.

Cell membership is recorded in the UA_ContactHistory table for the appropriate audience level and the treatment(s) given to each cell are recorded in the UA_Treatment table. This is a highly compressed and efficient way to store complete historical information. For example, if all 10,000 people in a cell receive the same three offers, rather than writing 3 * 10,000 = 30,000 records to contact history, 10,000 rows are written to contact history recording the individuals within the cell, and 3 rows are written to the UA_Treatment table representing the treatments.


Offer history is written to the database for production runs only, not test runs.

Treatment history is not stored in separate tables by audience level; all treatment history is stored in the UA_Treatment table.

Unica Campaign
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