To use the svrstop utility to shut down the Optimize listener

From a command prompt on the Campaign server, you can run the svrstop utility to stop the Optimize listener running on that server. To stop the Optimize listener running on another server, use the -s argument, as in -s, and provide the required authentication.

Make sure that the CAMPAIGN_HOME environment variable is set to <install_dir>/Campaign/bin, where <install_dir> is the parent directory under which Campaign is installed.
svrstop -P "Optimize"
The -P argument specifies the product whose listener you want to shut down. Alternatively, you could enter -p 2882 to shut down the listener using the internal port number 2882, which would also indicate the Optimize listener.
Optionally, you could include -y <username> and -z <password> as arguments with the svrstop> command to prevent the user name and password prompts from appearing.

When you enter the required information, the Optimize listener is shut down.

Unica Campaign
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