To test user table access

You should confirm that Campaign is configured properly to access the necessary user tables.

Select Settings > Campaign Settings.
In the Data Source Operations section, click Manage Table Mappings.
The Table Mappings window opens, with Show System Tables selected.
Select Show User Tables.
Click New Table.
Click Next.
You are prompted to specify whether to map to a file or database.
When Map to Existing Table in Selected Database is selected, you should see one or more databases in the Select Data Source list. If no entries appear in the Select Data Source box, you must define the data sources. For more information, see the installation documentation.
Select Map to Existing File, then click Next.
Click Browse to locate the necessary files, or enter the relative path and file name directly into the text box. Files must be located under the partition root of Campaign to be accessible.
You can now map the user data into Campaign, as described in Working with user tables.
You can also view the customer databases that Campaign is set up to access when editing a flowchart. Click the Admin icon and select Database Sources. The Database Sources window opens, listing the system table database, and all configured customer databases. From this window, you can log into and log out of customer databases.

Unica Campaign
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