To create a dimension hierarchy

These instructions assume that a table with a dimension hierarchy definition is already available.

The Edit Dimension window opens.
The Dimension Name
A Description
The Number of Levels in the dimension hierarchy. This should correspond to the hierarchical levels in the table to which you are mapping this dimension hierarchy.
If you are using this dimension hierarchy as the basis for a cube, ensure that Elements are Mutually Exclusive is checked (by default, this option is checked). Otherwise, you will receive an error when you use this dimension hierarchy to create a cube because the elements cannot overlap in a cube. If you are creating a dimension hierarchy purely for use in selecting from a strategic segment, then it is permissible to disable this option and create overlapping definitions. It is recommended, however, that you creative non-overlapping bins so that dimension hierarchies you create can be freely used both for building cubes as well as with strategic segments.
Click Map Table.
The Edit Table Definition window opens.
After you finish mapping your dimension hierarchy, you return to the Edit Dimension window, which now includes details for the new dimension hierarchy.
You return to the Dimensions window.
(Optional but recommended) You can store a dimension hierarchy for future use in a table catalog by clicking Save. If you store a dimension hierarchy you can retrieve it later for another use or share it with other users rather than recreating it.

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