About cell codes

A cell code is an identifier for each cell in a flowchart or in the target cell spreadsheet.

In the flowchart processes that create new output cells (for example, Select, Merge, Segment, Sample, Audience and Extract processes), cell code(s) for the output of the process are configured in the General tab.

By default, the cell code is generated automatically; users can manually override the generated cell code by clearing the Auto Generate checkbox and entering a code in the valid format.

Whether cell codes must be unique within a flowchart depends on the setting of the AllowDuplicateCellCodes configuration parameter (described in Code generation references). If the value of AllowDuplicateCellCodes is No, cell codes must be unique within a flowchart; the same cell code can still exist in different flowcharts and campaigns. If the value of AllowDuplicateCellCodes is Yes, cell codes within a single flowchart do not have to be unique.

If duplicate cell codes are not allowed and a user enters a cell code that is already used elsewhere in the same flowchart, no error is immediately generated. However, users can validate flowcharts and detect duplicate cell codes using the flowchart validation tool if duplicate cell codes are not allowed. For information on flowchart validation, see the section on Validating Flowcharts in the Campaign User’s Guide.


Unica Campaign
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