About the Framework Manager data models
A Cognos® model is reporting metadata that describes physical database objects and their relationships to query subjects and query items. When you build reports in IBM® Cognos® 10 BI Report Studio, you build them from query subjects and items described in the model.
The data model for an IBM® EMM application references the reporting views in the IBM® EMM application database, making that data available to the Cognos® 10 reports that are also delivered in the IBM® EMM Reports Package.
When you configure the reporting views to include additional attributes, metrics, response types, and so on, you synchronize the Cognos® reporting model with the reporting views and publish the revised model to the Cognos® content store. At that point, those new attributes become available in Report Studio and you can add them to the IBM® EMM reports.
The IBM® Cognos® 10 model from a IBM® EMM Reports Package presents the IBM® EMM application metadata in the following three categories (folders).
Import View. This level represents the data from the reporting schemas in the IBM® EMM application database. You use this view to synchronize the data model with the IBM® EMM database views, materialized views, or reporting tables through the data source connection.
The Campaign and eMessage models include shortcuts from the Model View to the Business View. The Interact model does not use shortcuts in the same way because some of its query subjects span two data sources.
While creating a project in IBM® Cognos® Configuration,  use the Open Project option to create a project. When you use the Open Create option, the query mode is set to Compatible. Do not use the Create New Project option. The Create New Project option uses the default template that sets the query mode to Dynamic.