Offers by Type and Segment report

The Offers by Type and Segment report shows the number of customers in each displayed segment receiving any of the offers before and after running the Optimize session. This report can help you understand the distribution of offers to strategic segments. Offers and strategic segments are defined in Campaign.

Optimize controls the offers and customer segments displayed in this report. Only the specified offers and strategic segments appear in this report, with offers down the page and segments across the top of the report. See To select offers and strategic segments for information about selecting the offers and segments to display in the report.

In addition, any offers used in any rules within this Optimize session are automatically included in this report, even if they are not specifically selected for display.

The following options are available as links under the After Optimization table:

Show Cost Sums — Use this option to display the sum of the costs of all the proposed contacts of an offer to a customer segment. These values are available only if the Cost Per Offer field in the Proposed Contacts Table was populated by participating campaigns.
Show Score Sums — Use this option to display the sum of the scores of all the proposed contacts of an offer to a customer’s segment in the Before Optimization table and the sum of scores for optimized contacts in the After Optimization table. The score field is the field specified in the Scoring tab of the Optimize session or the values entered in the offer/segment score matrix.

You can enable one or both of these options independently. Once the cost sums and/or score sums are displayed, you can remove them from the report by clicking the Hide Cost Sums or Hide Score Sum links, respectively. The information in this report appears in two tables and two bar charts.

The Before Optimization and After Optimization tables display the following information for each segment:

These columns display the number of contacts for the strategic segments and offers across all the participating campaigns in this Optimize session. In the Before Optimization table, this is the number of contacts after removal of opt-outs (that is, after Exclude/Include rules have been applied).

The first bar chart displays the Before Optimization data graphically. The second bar chart displays the After Optimization data graphically.