Template Properties tab for defining the template
For all objects, the template Properties tab contains the following properties for you to set. The properties that you set on this tab display on the Summary tab when you create a plan, program, or project. More properties display on this tab for project templates.
Template IDs must be unique across object type. For example, you cannot have two project templates, both having an identical ID, such as tradeshow. If you have two trade show project templates, use a different ID for each one, such as tradeshow01 and tradeshow02.
The default name to give to an object instance (such as a program, asset, or marketing object) created from this template. For auto-created marketing objects, this name is part of the unique name that is generated when the system auto-creates the marketing object.
Prefix for the external ID of the object. Each plan, program, project, or marketing object in Marketing Operations has an external ID assigned to it. For example, the ID for the first project might be 1001.
You can set the ID prefix by template, to easily determine the template on which an object is based. For example, you choose an ID Prefix of TRS for the Tradeshow project template. The first tradeshow project that you create would then have an ID of TRS1001.
Java class to specify a numbering algorithm for objects. By default, Marketing Operations assigns a sequential number to each object (plan, program, or project).
However, you can configure Marketing Operations to use an algorithm that you define to set the external ID. If you choose this configuration option, the ID Generation Class specifies the Java class that is used to generate the code. You must edit this attribute only if you want to generate IDs according to an algorithm other than the default.
To export metadata for an individual template, click Export Template at the top of this tab. See Exporting templates.
In addition to the properties that apply to all templates, templates for projects contain the following properties.
Specifies how a "use" security policy is determined when a project request becomes a project. When the value of this field is User Security Policy, the Use Security Policy field on this tab is disabled. The person who creates a project or request from this template specifies the "use" security policy when the item is created. When the value of this field is Template Security Policy, the Use Security Policy field on this tab is enabled and the template developer selects the "use" policy.
For information about the system-wide setting, see Страница Параметры администрирования. For information about the out of office feature, see the IBM® Marketing Operations User's Guide.
Attributes tab
Exporting templates