About the edit mode toolbar
When you switch from a view mode to edit mode, you can make changes to the workflow. You click the icons on the toolbar to add, move, and delete stages and tasks. The following table describes the toolbar options.
Spreadsheet cell with plus sign
Add Row. To add a row after an existing row in the workflow, select the row then click this icon to specify the type of row. You can add:
Marketing Operations adds the task and renumbers the subsequent tasks.
Spreadsheet with plus sign
In Series. By default, the system adds rows to the spreadsheet in series: each task is dependent on the task that precedes it. To use a different dependency option, click this icon and make a selection before you add the next task to the workflow.
Spreadsheet cell with up arrow
Move row up. Click a task or stage name to select the row, then click this icon to move the selected row upward.
Spreadsheet cell with down arrow
Move row down. Click a task or stage name to select it, then click this icon to move the selected row downward.
Spreadsheet cell with x mark
Delete row. Click a task or stage name to select it, then click this icon to delete the component.
Handheld calculator
Recalculate Dates. Shift+click to select one or more adjacent cells in the spreadsheet, then click this icon to apply one of the following options:
Carrying case
Tools. Offers options that affect the values in specific spreadsheet cells, or that affect a column or the entire spreadsheet.
The other options on the Tools menu function as follows:
Left arrow image
Undo. Click to undo your last change.
Right arrow image
Redo. Click to reapply a change you undid with the Undo action.
Diskette image
Save. Click this icon to select one of the following options:
Left arrow with vertical bar
Cancel. Return to spreadsheet view mode without saving edits that are made since your last save.