To send e-mail attachments
Users that have a valid e-mail address configured in IBM® Marketing Operations or IBM® Marketing Platform can send e-mail attachments. If your e-mail address is configured incorrectly in the system, you receive an error message.
For approvals and assets, attachments are available on the summary page. For all other objects, click the Attachments tab.
The tab displays any attachments that already exist for the object.
Click Send as Mail Attachment beside the attachment you would like to send.
You can also right-click the attachment icon and choose Send as Mail Attachment from the menu.
The Send Mail Attachment window appears.
Enter or select values in the To and Cc fields for the email recipients.
To send the attachment to IBM® Marketing Operations users, click the arrow at the right side of the field and select one or more email addresses. The addresses you select are added to the field. If you deselect an address, it is removed from the field.
Enter values for the Subject field and body of the message.
Click Send to send the attachment.
The system displays a message that confirms that the e-mail has been sent or that an error occurred while the system attempted to send the message.
The Send Mail Attachment window remains open until the e-mail server has sent the message. If you close the window while the mail is being sent, you do not receive any confirmation.
Note the following.
If the mail server is down (for the Marketing Operations server), the system displays a message that the attachment could not be sent. You can take either of the following actions: