Post Task Update dialog
To provide a quick update for a workflow task when the Workflow tab is in spreadsheet view mode or timeline view mode, click the task name. The Post Task Update dialog opens. Use this dialog as a quick alternative to editing the entire workflow, when you need to update a single task only. From this dialog, you can update a subset of task values, add attachments, and add comments.
The Post Task Update dialog box contains two tabs, Status and Attachments.
Different options display when you click the name of an approval task. For more information, see To start an approval process from view mode.
Task status tab
The Status tab contains the following fields.
Display only. The task owner or owners. At the task level, project members are identified as task owners.
To change the state of a task marked as finished back to active, you must change the Status to Pending and the % Complete to a number less than 100. If you do not change both values, the task remains marked as completed after you save.
Forecast /Actual date and time
Comments for revision history
Task attachments tab
The Attachments tab contains the following fields.
Links for removing attachments or for sending the attachment by email.
Click to browse your computer or the asset libraries for the file to attach. Supported file formats include DOC, PPT, XLS, PDF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and MPP.