Team summary page
When you first navigate to a team, its summary page appears. This page contains the following items.
Add terms here that might be useful when describing teams. For example, you can enter Photoshop as a skill, so that anyone viewing the team knows that the team has this skill.
From the Team Summary screen, you can perform the following actions.
Click the Manage icon (Two Pages image) and select Set Alert Rules to change the way team members and managers are notified of task assignments.
Click the Delete this Item icon (Page with X image) to remove the team.
Click the Manage icon (Two Pages image) and select Create a duplicate Team to create a copy of the team. The system opens the summary page of the new team in edit mode.
Click the Actions icon (Folder image) and select Add Team to add a team.
Click All Teams or My Teams in the breadcrumb; either or both of these links are displayed, depending on how you navigated to the current summary page.
Or, click the Action icon (Folder image) and select All Teams or My Teams.
Click the Print icon (Printer image) to print the details of the team.