Configuring system logs
To log configuration, debugging, and error informationMarketing Operations uses the Apache log4j utility. To change the types of messages that this utility includes in the system log, you change the value of the level property in the <MarketingOperations_Home>/conf/plan_log4j.xml file.
You can set the logging level to FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, or DEBUG to capture an increasing number of messages. For example, to record the maximum number of messages to help troubleshoot a problem, you scroll to the end of the plan_log4j.xml file and change the level to DEBUG:
<level value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="ASYNC_SYS_LOG"/>
When your investigation is complete, you change the level value back to the default, WARN:
<level value="WARN"/>
<appender-ref ref="ASYNC_SYS_LOG"/>
The plan_log4j.xml file is reloaded 60 seconds after it is updated, so a server restart is not necessary after you edit this file.