Marketing Operations Performance
IBM® Marketing Operations provides configuration properties that you can configure to increase system performance. To access these configuration properties, click Settings > Configuration > Marketing Operations.
Maximum result size for lists
To help overcome some database query limitations, you can limit the resultset for all system list pages to a specified value. Click umoConfiguration > database to configure the commonDataAccessLayerMaxResultSetSize property.
Batch size for queries
For certain performance-sensitive queries, you can define a batch size for the resultset. Only the specified number of records are returned at one time. Click umoConfiguration > database to configure the commonDataAccessLayerFetchSize property. The default setting is 0, or unlimited. A typical setting is 500.
Maximum item count for calendar pages
To manage performance issues when users review or export items in calendar view, you can limit the number of objects (plans, programs, projects, and tasks) that appear. Click umoConfiguration > listingPages to set the maximumItemsToBeDisplayedInCalendar property. The default setting is 0, or unlimited. The maximum value is 500.
If you limit calendar display items, users can use an advanced search to include wanted items.