Rule Builder dialog
Rules are if-then-else statements. In IBM® Marketing Operations, you use the Rule Builder to assemble different types of rules for your templates: to expand or collapse a custom form by default, to assign the recipients for new project requests, or to require approval of a budget line item.
The following table describes the fields in the Rule Builder dialog.
Lists the conditions that are built in the IF and THEN sections at the bottom of the Rule Builder dialog.
For example, you select the Description attribute. The list of operators is Starts With, =, contains, and Ends With. For an Amount attribute, the operators are <=, >=, =, >, <, and !=.
If your "if" statement is complete, click Add to save it. To include another condition, continue to the next field.
For a rule that contains more than one condition, select And or or to connect the current condition with the next condition. Then, click Add to save this condition and click New to specify the next condition.
After the IF list displays the complete condition and you specify the result, click Save Compound Condition. The complete if-then statement displays in the Compound Conditions section at the top of the dialog.
For a rule to assign the recipient for a project request, you select a Default Resource to assign if none of the conditions are met.
To review or print the complete if-then-else rule, click Preview.
For more information about adding different types of rules, see: