Multiple-Select - Database attribute types
You can define an attribute that allows the user to choose multiple values from a valid list of options. For example, when users specify the products for a particular marketing campaign for a bank, they can select one, two, or all of the following options:
To offer multiple selection in a field, you use an attribute with a type of Multiple-Select - Database. Creating a multiple selection attribute is similar to creating a Single-Select attribute, with some additional setup.
When you create a Multiple-Select - Database attribute, you must specify the lookup table, and other information as described in Single-Select - Database attribute types.
When you create Multiple-Select - Database attributes, keep in mind the following restrictions:
The value in the Attribute Database Column Name field must be unique across attribute categories. (You cannot use the same database column name for both a grid attribute and a form attribute.)
You must also specify the following display option.