Changing the status of business processes
Statuses identify the progress of business processes. To move a business process through the lifecycle, you must change the status.
The following procedure describes how to change the status for plans, programs, projects, requests, marketing objects, and approvals.
Your administrator can set up IBM® Marketing Operations to send an alert to owners and members of a process when its status changes.
For example, to work with a plan click Operations > Plans.
Click Change Status and select a transition from the menu.
Most status transitions are available with comments and without comments. To add more information, select an option with comments. To change the status immediately, select an option without comments.
You can only select transitions to Finish or Cancel an object with comments, because additional input is required in the comments dialog box.
The available transitions depend on the status of the object.
For objects that are Not Started, Start <object> changes the status to In Progress. For requests and approvals, select Submit <object>.
For objects that are In Progress, Pause <object> changes the status to On Hold. For approvals, select Stop Review.
For objects that are On Hold, Continue <object> changes the status to In Progress.
For objects that are In Progress, Finish <object> changes the status to Completed. Objects in this status cannot be changed to any other status, except for projects. You can reconcile projects to open them again after you change the status to Completed.
For objects that are Not Started or In Progress, Cancel <object> changes the status to Canceled. Select this option to cancel the object permanently. Objects in this status cannot be changed to any other status, except for projects. You can reconcile projects to open them again after you change the status to Canceled.
4. If you selected a transition option "with comments," enter appropriate comments. Click Continue.
If you chose the option without comments, the status changes immediately after you select a transition from the menu. If you enter comments, the status changes after you enter your comments.