Implementing project health rules
To help project owners and participants track the overall status of their projects, you configure the system to calculate project health.
Marketing Operations supplies a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) for projects. To objectively determine whether a project is healthy or in a warning or critical state, you select KPIs and supply threshold values for them in health rules. To use different criteria to determine the health of different types of projects, you can associate each of the rules you create with one or more project templates. The system runs batch jobs to automatically apply the correct rule to each project and update health status indicators in the user interface.
To implement project health rules for your organization, you:
Schedule the start time for the daily batch job, and how frequently during each day additional batch jobs run. For more information, see the Marketing Operations > umoConfiguration > Scheduler >daily and intraDay configuration properties in the IBM® Marketing Operations Installation Guide.
You can export health rules that are defined for one Marketing Operations system and import them into another. For more information, see Exporting and importing metadata.
When implementation is complete, project owners and participants can use the following methods to monitor health status:
For more information about these features, see the IBM® Marketing Operations User's Guide.
About the key performance indicators
About the default health rule
To configure project health status rules
To assign a rule to a project template
To customize labels and colors