IBM® Marketing Operations fix pack
The IBM® Marketing Operations fix pack contains defect fixes and new features.
Simplified status changes
You can now chose to make most status changes with or without comments. If you chose an option without comments, you can change the status with one click.
The following status transitions only have an option to change the status with comments. Additional input is required, so a single-click option is not available.
For all other status transitions, you can decide whether you want to add comments.
Form tasks
When a project template includes forms on custom tabs, you can create workflow tasks to assign users to complete these forms. You can add a specialized form task in addition to other tasks, stages, and approvals in the workflow.
Form approval tasks
You can configure workflow approval tasks to review forms. This feature allows you to add a workflow task to complete a form followed by an approval task with the form linked for review.
Form rules
You can build a form so that when the user picks a value for one attribute, it governs whether another set of attributes are required or not. For example, if the user selects United States in the country attribute, you can require a response in the postal code attribute.
You can build forms with rules for single-select attributes and single-select database attributes.
Changing the status of business processes
Adding form tasks
Considerations for importing and exporting form tasks in workflow templates
Reapproval rules for form approvals
Required attributes based on other attributes
Marking attributes required based on other attributes
For more information