Multi-locale support
Templates in IBM® Operações de Marketing have features to support organizations that use multiple locales. When you add a project template in Operações de Marketing, the system saves a properties file for the template. The file is saved under the Operações de Marketing home folder as follows,
where <template_id> is the template ID for the template, and <user_locale> is the locale for the user that creates the template. Create translations of this file for as many other locales as your organization supports.
The properties file for the default locale is used in the following situations.
The supported and default locales are specified under Settings > Configuration > Operações de Marketing.
The following attributes are localized in the properties file.
Template properties file sample:

template.description.tradeshow=Use this template for requests/projects
to prepare for tradeshow attendance.
template.display_name.tradeshow=Tradeshow Template Info
tab.display_name.tradeshowsummary=Tradeshow Attributes
attachment_folder.display_name.folder2=Project Deliverable(s)
attachment_folder.display_name.folder1=Reference Attachments Custom Link
Localizing a template does not localize the forms used in the template. You must localize forms separately.