About event-triggered alerts
These alerts are messages that are sent to interested parties in response to system events. For example, if someone creates an approval and specifies you as the Approver, the system sends you an alert with a link to the approval.
When template developers create project templates, they can customize the text of the project alerts. And if you configure custom permissions for the tabs of a project template, the system filters alerts appropriately. For example, if some project participants do not have access to the Attachments tab, the system does not send them alerts about attachments.
IBM® Operações de Marketing sends event-triggered alerts almost immediately. When the event occurs (such as a user submits an approval request), Operações de Marketing adds it to a queue. At a specified interval, Operações de Marketing picks these events off a queue and sends out alerts. You can control this polling interval with the Settings > Configuration > Operações de Marketing > umoConfiguration > Notifications notifyEventMonitorPollPeriod parameter. By default, this configuration parameter is set to 5 seconds. That means every 5 seconds, Operações de Marketing picks up the events that occurred since the last poll and sends out alerts.
For more information about setting this option, see the IBM® Operações de Marketing Installation Guide.