To add an attachment to an object

Users can add attachments on an ongoing basis.

Click the Attachments tab.
The tab displays any attachments that already exist for the object.
Click the Add icon () to add an attachment to the object.
The Add Attachment window appears.
From the drop-down list in the Save Attachment To field, select where you want to save the attachment.
In the File to Attach field, select From My Computer, From the Asset Library, or URL.
Click Browse to search for a file on your computer. When the dialog box appears, navigate to the file you want to attach, and click Open.
Click Browse Library to attach a file in an asset library. Click the library that contains the file you want to add and use the tree in the left pane of the screen to navigate to the folder and then the asset that you want to attach. Click Accept Asset when viewing the asset in the right pane.
Click Add More to display an additional set of fields for each additional attachment you want to add.
Click Save Changes to add the attachment or attachments.
The attachments are added to the Attachments tab for the object.

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