To add an event pattern
The Events tab on the Interactive Channel page provides the ability to define event patterns to identify patterns of visitor activity and behavior, and perform specific actions when those patterns have been identified.
The reset duration indicates how long the pattern state remains true (that is, the event pattern has been satisfied for a specific visitor interaction) until it is reset. After the reset duration has passed, the conditions of the event pattern must be met again before it is considered true again. The default setting for the reset duration is 1 day.
Match All. Requires that all of the events you specify below must occur before the event pattern has been met. Selecting this option allows you to add one or more events to the Selected Events list.
Counter. Allows you to specify a single event to use as a test, but requires that the event occur the specified number of times before the event pattern has been met. For example, you might require that the visitor generates a reject event 10 times, or that the visitor requests contact 1 time. Selecting this option allows you to add only one event to the Selected Events list.
Weighted Counter. Allows you to specify that the total score of the selected events must reach the specified total before the event pattern has been met. With this option, you can add multiple events to the Selected Events list, but rather than requiring that each event occur (as with Match All), the events must occur the specified number of times in any combination before the event pattern is met.
Trigger Re-segmentation. The runtime environment runs all the interactive flowcharts for the current audience level that is associated with the interactive channel again, using the current data in the visitor's session.
Place the customer in new segments after significant new data is added to the runtime session object, such as new data from requests from the Interact API (such as changing the audience) or customer actions (such as adding new items to a wish list or shopping cart).
Log Offer Contact. The runtime environment flags the recommended offers for the database service to log the offers to contact history.
If the touchpoint does not return the treatment codes for the offers that Interact presented to the visitor, the runtime environment logs the last list of recommended offers.
Log Offer Acceptance. The runtime environment flags the selected offer for the database service to log to response history.
Log Offer Rejection. The runtime environment flags the selected offer for the database service to log to response history.
Trigger User Expression. An expression action is an action that you can define using Interact macros, including functions, variables, and operators, including EXTERNALCALLOUT. You can assign the return value of the expression to any profile attribute.
Trigger Events. You can use the Trigger Events action to enter an event name that you want to be triggered by this action. If you enter an event that is already defined, that event is triggered when this action is run. If the event name you enter does not exist, this action causes the creation of that event with the specified action.
Click Save and Return to close the Event Pattern dialog, or click Save and Add Another to save the event pattern and create a new event pattern.
After you have created event patterns, they become available within the design environment, appearing in interactive flowcharts in Select, Decision, and PopulateSeg process boxes, as well as in the Interact List process box in batch flowcharts. In those flowchart processes, you can define your queries so that, when the event patterns are identified, the actions you have defined are executed and the visitor is presented with the appropriate offers.