Treatment rule advanced option expressions
You can write either a Boolean expression to filter treatment rules, or an expression to calculate an override for the marketer's score. However, you have a limited number of expression building blocks.
The following building blocks are available to you.
IBM® Unica® macros supported by Interact
For a list of the IBM® Unica® macros supported by Interact, see the IBM® Unica® Macros User's Guide.
If you define a Boolean expression for a marketing score, true becomes 1 and false becomes 0. If you define a numeric expression for a Boolean expression, 0 is false and all other values are true.
Here are several examples of expressions for both rule filtering and score calculation using the various building blocks available to you.
Consider this rule eligible if the following expression is true
profileTable.accountType != 'Gold' ||
profileTable.dimensionTable.accountBalance > 5000
Offer.Static.EffectiveDateFlag = 0
Offer.Dynamic.OfferColor = 'Blue'
EXTERNAL_CALLOUT('GetPrimeRate') <= 6.9
In this example, the GetPrimeRate external callout is a Java program which goes to a website and collects the current prime interest rate.
Use the following expression as the marketing score
MarketerScore + STDEV(profileTable.dimensionTable.accountBalance)
In the following example, the marketer's score takes into account the customer's lifecycle (which represents his or her overall likelihood to be responsive to offers and the company's desire to market to this customer), the predetermined fact that the company wants to market certain classes of products to this specific individual, and the overall value that accepting the offer would add to the customer's account in the eyes of the company.
Calculated Marketer's Score =
[sLifeCycle] *
[wClassA] *
[(wShortTermVal * vShortTerm) + (wLongTermVal * vLongTerm)]
Customer Attributes:
wShortTermVal = global weighting towards short term value = 1
wLongTermVal = global weighting towards long term value = 0.7
wClassA = customer weighting towards product class A = 1.2
sLifeCycle = customer life cycle score = 1.5
1 - Onboarding
1.5 - Settled
0.2 - At Risk
0 - Leaving
Offer Attributes:
vShortTerm = offer short term value gain = 250
vLongTerm = offer long term value gain = 150