Flowchart workspace overview
The flowchart workspace provides the tools and space to design your flowcharts.
When you create or edit a flowchart, a separate flowchart window opens. You can move or resize the flowchart window as you work. You can open just one flowchart at a time. If you attempt to open another flowchart while one is already open, you are prompted to save your changes.
The following figure shows a flowchart open for editing in the flowchart window.A flowchart in the flowchart window
The flowchart window consists of the following elements.
When you work with large or complex flowcharts, you can:
Search for a process box by entering the process name in the Search Process Name field in the toolbar.
Resize the flowchart to fit in the workspace by clicking the Fit Contents icon in the toolbar. You can then use the Zoom options or the small gray navigation box, if needed.
For information about changing the appearance of your flowchart, see Changing flowchart appearance.
Flowchart design considerations