Guidelines for designing security policies
Follow these guidelines when designing security policies:
Keep the design simple.Campaign allows you to create multiple security policies and roles, but you should keep the security design as simple as possible, and use as few policies and roles as possible to achieve your security needs. At the most minimal level, for example, you can use the default global security policy as is, without creating new roles or policies.
Avoid potential conflicts among security policies. If your organization implements more than one security policy, keep in mind potential conflicts when designing the policies. For example, users with Move and Copy permissions in more than one security policy are able to move or copy objects and folders to locations across the policies in which they have these permissions. In doing so, because the moved objects or folders take on the security policy of their destination (if under another folder), they might cause situations where the rightful users in one division are no longer able to access the moved objects because they have no roles in the destination security policy, or where users with roles in the destination security policy who were not intended to access the objects, find that they now can.
Assign view permissions to allow users to modify objects. To modify many of the objects in Campaign , users must be granted both view and modify permissions for the object. This requirement applies to the following objects: