Flowcharts and processes
Refer to this section for assistance in troubleshooting issues with Campaign processes and flowcharts, including:
Configuring Campaign processes
Error saving flowchart after deleting an offer used in a process
A merge of two Select processes gives unexpected results
Raw SQL in midstream Select or Segment process requires <TempTable> token
<TempTable> use warning is not displayed if data source is changed to enable use of temp tables
Optimize process not cleaned up properly after crash
Problem profiling offer and cell UCGFs
Error: SERVER ignored previous N messages (server busy)
Branch or process flowchart runs are not displayed on the Monitoring page
Monitoring page does not display running flowcharts with WebSphere 6.1 and two nodes
How to shut down the server when flowcharts use triggers
Problem setting up a trigger with a wildcard on UNIX
Precision loss with large numbers or non-integer values
Data-driven offer attributes are not validated
Length of numeric database columns is changed on export
Cannot print flowcharts with Internet Explorer Print function
Wrong sort order error in the flowchart log file
Segment process displays Error 11302