Applies to PredictiveInsight only.
DATALINK([spreadsheet,] cells)
The name of the spreadsheet in the current IBM® Unica ® PredictiveInsight work session to link with (for example, Sheet1). If no value is specified, the current spreadsheet is used.
The specific cells within spreadsheet to link with. The cells parameter specifies the column(s) and row(s) to link with and can be specified as any of the following:
Cn Cn:Cm RnCm | CmRn RnCm:RNCM | CmRn:CMRN
The characters C and R specify column and row, respectively. The variables n, m, N, and M are the row and column numbers.
DATALINK creates an internal link with data in the current IBM® Unica ® PredictiveInsight work session. It returns the number of columns specified in the cells parameter. Changes in the source data columns will automatically be reflected.
Creates a new column named TEMP containing the values in column one of the current spreadsheet.
Creates three new columns named TEMP, VX, and VY, containing the values in columns 1-3 of the Sheet2 spreadsheet.
TEMP = DATALINK(Sheet4, C5R10) or TEMP = DATALINK(Sheet4, R10C5)
Creates a new column named TEMP containing the cell value in the 5th column, 10th row of the Sheet4 spreadsheet.
TEMP = DATALINK(Sheet1, C1R1:C3R500) or TEMP = DATALINK(Sheet1, R1C1:R500C3)
Creates three new columns named TEMP, VX, and VY, containing the values in rows 1-500 of columns 1-3 of the Sheet2 spreadsheet.
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