Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | systemCodes
Properties in this category specify, for Campaign, whether variable length codes are allowed, the format and generator of the campaign and cell codes, whether offer codes are displayed, and the offer code delimiter.
The offerCodeDelimiter property is used internally to concatenate multiple code parts (for example, to output the OfferCode field in Campaign Generated Fields) and for incoming offer codes in the Campaign Response process, to split the offer code into multiple parts. The value must be only a single character.
Note that in this version of Campaign, the NumberOfOfferCodesToUse parameter no longer exists. This value now comes from the offer template (every offer template can have a different number of offer codes).
Default value
The allowVariableLengthCodes property specifies whether variable length codes are allowed in Campaign.
If the value is yes, and if the trailing part of the code format is x, the length of the code can vary. For example, if the code format is nnnnxxxx, then the code can be from 4 to 8 characters long. This applies to campaign, offer, version, tracking, and cell codes.
If the value is no, variable length codes are not allowed.
Default value
Valid Values
yes | no
The displayOfferCodes property specifies whether to show offer codes beside their names in the Campaign GUI.
If the value is yes, offer codes are displayed.
If the value is no, offer codes are not displayed.
Default value
Valid Values
yes | no
The cellCodeFormat property is used by the campaign code generator to define the format of the cell code that is automatically created by the default cell code generator.
For a list of valid values, see campCodeFormat.
Default value
The campCodeFormat property is used by the campaign code generator to define the format of the campaign code that is automatically generated by the default campaign code generator when you create a campaign.
Default value
Valid Values
The possible values are as follows:
A-Z or any symbol - treated as a constant
a - random letters A-Z (upper case only)
c - random letters A-Z or numbers 0-9
n - random digit 0-9
x - any single ASCII character from 0-9 or A-Z. You can edit the generated campaign code and replace the ASCII character that Campaign substituted for the x with any ASCII character, and Campaign will use that character instead.
The cellCodeGenProgFile property specifies specifies the name of the cell code generator, and if the generator is the default one supplied by Campaign, any supported options. Note that the properties that control the format of the code generated are set in the cellCodeFormat property. See campCodeGenProgFile for a list of supported options.
If you write your own cell code generator, replace the default value with the absolute path of your custom program, including the file name and extension, and using forward slashes (/) for UNIX and backslashes (\) for Windows.
Default value
uaccampcodegen (the code generator supplied by Campaign)
The campCodeGenProgFile property specifies the name of the campaign code generator, and if the generator is the default one supplied by Campaign, any supported options.
Note that the properties that control the format of the code generated are set in the campCodeFormat property.
If you write your own campaign code generator, replace the default value with the absolute path of your custom program, including the file name and extension, and using forward slashes (/) for UNIX and backslashes (\) for Windows.
The default campaign code generator can be called with the following options:
-y Year (four integers)
-m Month (one or two integers, cannot exceed value of twelve)
-d Day (one or two integers, cannot exceed value of 31)
-n Campaign name (any string, cannot exceed 64 characters)
-o Campaign owner (any string, cannot exceed 64 characters)
-u Campaign code (any integer). Allows you to specify the exact campaign ID rather than having the application generate one for you.
-f Code format if overriding the default. Takes the values specified in campCodeFormat.
-i Other integer.
-s Other string.
Default value
uaccampcodegen (the code generator supplied by Campaign)