To log in to IBM® Unica Marketing
Before you begin working with IBM® Unica Marketing, you need the following.
Microsoft Internet Explorer installed on your computer.
The URL to access IBM® Unica Marketing on your network. If you are uncertain of the correct URL or need a user name or password, contact your IBM® Unica Marketing administrator.
Launch the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
Enter the IBM® Unica Marketing URL in the browser's address field.
If IBM® Unica Marketing is integrated with Windows Active Directory or with a web access control platform, and you are logged on to that system, IBM® Unica Marketing displays the dashboard or the default start page configured by the IBM® Unica Marketing administrator. Your login is complete. Otherwise, a login page appears.
If your version of IBM® Unica Marketing uses SSL, you may be prompted to accept a digital security certificate the first time you sign in. Click Yes to accept the certificate.
A Change Password page may display, depending on how IBM® Unica Marketing password rules are configured. Enter a new password, confirm by entering it again, and click Change Password.
If your login is successful, IBM® Unica Marketing displays the dashboard or the default start page configured by the IBM® Unica Marketing administrator.