Options for packaging flowchart data
The flowchart .ses file.
Include run results? Optionally include or exclude the runtime data files, also called the “underscore” files.
The flowchart .log file.
The unica_aclsnr.log file.
The AC_sess.log file.
The AC_web.log file.
Campaign Configuration
The .config file, which lists configuration properties and settings from your Campaign environment to assist in troubleshooting the flowchart.
The customcampaignattributes.dat file, which lists attribute name and value pairs for Campaign custom attributes. Only entries related to the current campaign are included.
The customcellattributes.dat file, which lists attribute name and value pairs for Campaign cell custom attributes. Only entries related to the current campaign are included.
All rows are included for each of the following offer-related system tables:UA_AttributeDef.dat, UA_Folder.dat, UA_Offer.dat, UA_OfferAttribute.dat, UA_OfferList.dat, UA_OfferListMember.dat, UA_OfferTemplate.dat, UA_OfferTemplAttr.dat, UA_OfferToProduct.dat, UA_Product.dat, UA_ProductIndex.dat
The targetcellspreadsheet.dat file, which includes data from UA_TargetCells for the entire Target Cell Spreadsheet. Includes data for the current campaign, in column/row-delimited text format.
The custommacros.dat file, which includes the following fields from UA_CustomMacros, in column/row format: Name, FolderID, Description, Expression, ExpressionType, DataScrName, DataVarType, DataVarNBytes, CreateDate, CreatedBy, UpdateDate, UPdateBy, PolicyIS, ACLID
The systablemapping.xml file. Includes all system table mappings, including the data source.