To define the output list table
Use the Output tab of the eMessage process to define the output list table (OLT).
To add a personalization field to the OLT, you select a field from the list of available fields in your marketing database. You can then map the available field to a personalization field that has already been added to the OLT, or you can allow eMessage to create a new personalization field.
Optionally, do either of the following.
Click Profile to preview a list of distinct values and how frequently they occur in the selected field.
Click Derived Fields to create a data source using a derived field.
Click Add to map the selected available field to a personalization field. Click Remove to remove the mapping between the personalization field and the data source.
The name of the field you are adding appears in the Selected as Personalization Fields table when you add the field to the OLT.
In the Selected as Personalization Fields table, select the check box next to the personalization field that will provide the email recipient's email address.
The personalization field that you specify must map to a marketing database field that provides a valid email address.
This procedure simply creates a definition of the OLT. The table has not been created, nor does it contain data. To create and populate the OLT so that it can be used in a mailing, you must run the flowchart that contains the eMessage process.