Choosing in-database processing for processes
In-database processing is an option that you can turn on or off for your flowchart processes both globally, and for each flowchart.
In-database processing is not supported for all databases. Your Campaign administrator can confirm whether this option is available for your data sources.
The in-database processing option determines:
In general, the in-database processing option improves flowchart performance by preventing IDs from your database from being unnecessarily copied down to the Campaign server for processing. With in-database processing turned on, processing tasks such as sorting, joining, and merging of data are, whenever possible, done on the database server rather than on the Campaign server, and output cells of processes are stored in temporary tables on the database server.
Depending on the logic required, some functions will still be performed on the Campaign server, even with in-database processing turned on. For example, when Campaign calculates a derived field, it first evaluates the derived field formula to see if any part of the calculation can be performed using SQL. If simple SQL statements can be used to perform the calculation, then the calculation can be done "in-database". If not, then temporary tables are created on the Campaign server to handle the calculations and persist the results from process to process within a flowchart.
Processing of custom macros consisting of raw SQL statements is performed in-database, with the following limitations:
All raw SQL custom macros must begin with select and must contain exactly one from in the rest of the text.
Turning in-database processing on or off
To turn in-database processing on or off for a flowchart
To turn in-database processing on or off globally