Offer workflow features
For systems that enable offer integration, the following features are available when you work with offers in Marketing Operations.
Offer approvals
When you create or edit an offer, Marketing Operations provides a check box to indicate offer approval. Only approved offers can be published to Campaign.
Offer states
Offers (and offer folders) can have the following states.
Draft: When you create an offer, the state of the new offer is Draft.
Published: The state Published pushes the offer instance to Campaign. The first time an offer is published in Marketing Operations, the system creates the offer in Campaign; subsequent publishing updates the offer instance in Campaign.
Redraft: Once an offer is Published, it cannot be edited. To edit a published offer, the user can redraft the offer, which changes it to the Draft state. User can then edit the offer and publish changes.
Retire: Only Published offers can be Retired. Once the offer is Retired, it is not available for future use and cannot be edited or changed to any other state.
Offer codes automatically generated
In Marketing Operations, the offer code assigned to each offer can be generated by the Default code generator. Users cannot modify the offer code generator. In the wizard mode of offer creation, the Auto-generate on save check box creates the offer code automatically. If the check box is selected, the offer code is generated from Campaign. If the check box is not selected, validation is made for the valid offer code.