Report types
Campaign supports three general types of reports:
System-wide reports — reports across multiple objects within Campaign . These reports are accessed from the Campaign Analytics page, which is launched from the Analysis link on the main navigation pane. For example, from the folders on the Campaign Analytics page, you can access the Calendar of Campaigns report, which displays all campaigns in the system in a calendar format.
Object-specific reports — reports pertaining to a specific object (a campaign or offer). These reports are accessed through an object’s Analysis tab. For example, from a campaign’s Analysis tab, you can access the Campaign Performance Summary by Offer report, which provides a summary of campaign and offer performance with offers grouped by the corresponding campaigns.
Flowchart cell reports — reports that provide a variety of information relating to the cells in a particular flowchart in a session or campaign. Cell reports can be accessed by clicking the Reports icon when you view a flowchart in Edit mode.