Passing of metrics from Campaign to Marketing Operations limited to a single audience level

Problem or error: Campaign’s passing of metrics to Marketing Operations based on a linked campaign is limited to a single audience level, specified system-wide by Campaign configuration parameters. Campaigns operating at a different audience level receive no metrics from Campaign.

Solution: To work around this issue, ensure that contact history, detailed contact history, and response history tables are mapped for the audience level for which you want to report metrics in Marketing Operations For details about mapping these tables for an audience level, see the Campaign Administrator’s Guide. After mapping these tables, perform the following steps:

Stop the Campaign listener (unica_aclsnr) and the Campaign and IBM Unica Marketing web application servers.
Export the existing Campaign configurations from the Configuration page using the configtool utility, located in the tools/bin directory under your Marketing Platform installation. For details, see the Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide.
For example:
configTool.bat -x Campaign \temp\ac_config.xml
Open the exported ac_config.xml in an XML or text editor, and search for UA_ContactHistory_<audience level name>, where <audience level name> is the audience level on which you want to report metrics in Marketing Operations.
Rename the name of this new block from UA_ContactHistory_<audience level name> to UA_ContactHistory.
Repeat Steps 4 to 6 for UA_ResponseHistory_<audience level name>.
Save and close ac_config.xml.
configTool.bat -i Campaign ac_config.xml

IBM Unica Campaign
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