
Run -p relative-path-from-partition-root -u Unica_Marketing_Platform_user_name [-h partition] [-c catalogFile] [-s] [-m]

The Run command opens and runs a specific single flowchart file, where relative flowchart path and file name, partition, catalog file and user name are given.

You can use the following syntax:

[-S dataSource -U db_User -P db_Password]*

Options for the Run command


Specifies the partition name


Indicates an alternative location in which to store the process log file. This option should be followed by a path relative to the Campaign installation, as in \partition1\logs. Do not specify a file name with this option, because the file name is assigned automatically.

Using this option also requires that the AllowCustomLogPath configuration property in the Campaign > partitions > partition[n] > server > logging category is enabled. See the Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide for details on setting configuration properties.

Specifies that you are running multiple flowcharts. This option is not supported for batch flowcharts.

Specifies the relative path from the partition root

Specifies the data source password


Specifies a synchronous run


Specifies the data source


Specifies the IBM Unica Marketing user name


Specifies the data source user name


Specifies the user variable values for a flowchart directly in the command, using this syntax:

[-v "varname=[']value[']"]*


Specifies the user variable values for a flowchart in an XML file, using this syntax:

[-x xml-filename]

Example of XML file for -x argument

This sample XML file sets the user variable named UVAcctType to the value Gold.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<UserVar Name="UVAcctType">

IBM Unica Campaign
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