Reports > Integrations > Cognos 8

This page displays properties that specify URLs and other parameters for the IBM Cognos 8 BI system used by this IBM Unica system.

Integration Name

Read-only. Specifies that IBM Cognos 8 BI is the third-party reporting or analytical tool used by the IBM Unica Marketing to display the reports.

Default value

Cognos 8


Read-only. Specifies that IBM Cognos is the name of the company that provides the application specified by the Integration Name property.

Default value



Read-only. Specifies the product version of the application specified by the Integration Name property.

Default value



Specifies whether IBM Cognos 8 BI is enabled for the suite.

Valid values

True | False

Default value


Integration Class Name

Read-only. Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that creates the integration interface used to connect to the application specified by the Integration Name property.

Default value


Specifies the fully-qualified company domain name in which your Cognos server is running. For example,

If your company uses subdomains, the value in this field must include the appropriate subdomain as well.

Valid values

A string no longer than 1024 characters.

Default value


Portal URL

Specifies the URL of the IBM Cognos Connection portal. Use a fully qualified host name, including the domain name (and subdomain, if appropriate) that is specified in the Domain property. For example:

You can find the URL in IBM Cognos Configuration at: Local Configuration > Environment .

Valid values

A well-formed URL.

Default value

http://[CHANGE ME]/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi

Dispatch URL

Specifies the URL of the IBM Cognos Content Manager. Use a fully qualified host name, including the domain name (and subdomain, if appropriate) specified in the Domain property. For example:

You can find the URL in Cognos Configuration at: Local Configuration > Environment .

Valid values

A well-formed URL.

Default value

http://[CHANGE ME]:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch

Note that 9300 is the default port number for the Cognos Content Manager. Be sure that the port number specified matches that used in the Cognos installation.

Authentication mode

Specifies whether the IBM Cognos application is using the IBM Unica Authentication Provider, which means it relies on the Marketing Platform for authentication.

Valid values
anonymous: means authentication is disabled.
authenticated: means that the communications between the IBM Unica system and the IBM Cognos system are secured at the machine level. You configure a single system user and configure it with the appropriate access rights. By convention, this user is named "cognos_admin."
authenticatedPerUser: means that the system evaluates individual user credentials.
Default value


Authentication namespace

Read only. The namespace of the IBM Unica Authentication Provider.

Default value


Authentication user name

Specifies the login name for the reporting system user. The IBM Cognos 8 BI applications log in as this user when IBM Cognos 8 BI is configured to use the vs Authentication Provider. Note that this user also has access to IBM Unica Marketing.

Default value


Authentication datasource name

Specifies the name of the data source for the reporting system user that holds the Cognos login credentials.

Default value


Enable form authentication

Specifies whether form-based authentication is enabled. You set this property to True when the IBM Unica Marketing is not installed in the same domain as the IBM Cognos 8 BI applications. However, when the value is True, the login process to Cognos Connection passes the login name and password in clear text and therefore is not secure unless IBM Cognos 8 BI and the IBM Unica Marketing are configured to use SSL communication.

Even with SSL configured, the user name and password appear as clear text in the HTML source code when you "view source" in a displayed report. For this reason, you should install IBM Cognos and IBM Unica Marketing in the same domain.

Valid values

True | False

Default value


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