Tokens supported by triggers

Tokens can be used in the command line of an outbound trigger to pass specific information from the running flowchart.

The following table lists and describes the tokens supported by triggers and in which processes specific tokens are available.


The IBM Unica Marketing user name of the user running the flowchart.

Processes that support outbound triggers.


The campaign code associated with the current campaign.

Processes that support triggers, trigger on failure, trigger on success.


Contact list specified in a contact process.

If the Contact List is written to a file, the appropriate full path name and file name replace the trigger token.

If the Contact List is written to a database table, the token is simply removed.

Call List and Mail List processes.


The log of the particular contact process.

When the Log is written to a file, the appropriate full path name and file name replace the trigger token.

Call List and Mail List processes.


Full path name of a flowchart's .ses file

Processes that support outbound triggers.


The user name of the Distributed Marketing user.

Processes that support triggers, trigger on failure, trigger on success.


Select process


The Marketing Platform security user name of the user who created the flowchart.

Processes that support triggers, trigger on failure, trigger on success.


The name of the current process box.

Processes that support triggers.


The ID of the current process box.

Processes that support triggers.


The ID of the current flowchart.

Processes that support triggers, trigger on failure, trigger on success.


The name of the current flowchart.

Processes that support triggers, trigger on failure, trigger on success.

<UserVar. UserVarName >

Any user variable value. The user variable must be defined in current flowchart.

Processes that support triggers, trigger on failure, trigger on success.

IBM Unica Campaign
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